Thursday, April 23, 2009

I need some tips/inspiration...

Back in January I declared that I was going to take a picture every day this year. At the time I was enjoying a forced sabbatical from work...and I made this goal a priority. I did great, and even when I went back to work in March I did okay for a couple of days. And then, I started getting lazy. I have taken pictures of my computer monitor, my office, my purse, and anything within my reach just to make sure I get a picture every day....but I am starting to wonder why. I am not getting anything artistic, I am just getting the mundane. When I set the goal, I was going to parks and finding old dilapidated buildings - things that I really found interesting. Now I have trouble finding the energy or the time to find anything thrilling. Wow, when I did become a Debbie-Downer? So how do you find inspiration to be an artist? What is my muse?

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Can Flare be Art?

As I explore taking more pictures and learning the art of photography, I have found that I am drawn to ‘messing’ up pictures. I love to get pictures that have some sun flare in them. I think it is unique and different, but…I have not found anyone that reciprocates my thoughts. Now, this image is not one of my best, but I love the Mars Planet-like flare that came from the sun. What do you think? Can flare add…well - flare?
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