Tuesday, January 6, 2009


My little assignment last week was to shoot some fireworks. I did not have access to a professional show, but my hubby and his brother gave me their version (which I really did appreciate, and I know I laughed a lot more than I would have at a big production – you know, “Hurry up get out of the way, your going to get blown up”). I took this photo handholding my Nikon D80 with the shutter on ‘Bulb’. The exposure could not have been but for a second or two. Since the fireworks were shooting out of a canister on the ground, it made it fairly easy to get some of the action (except when we had to run for cover because of that weird firework that took off like a UFO and flew toward us, that makes picture taking kind of hard). I would like to make it to a big firework show sometime this year and set up on a tripod and get some really crisp clean shots. But hey, this will have to do for now.

My assignment this week is to get a picture of something that represents fitness. Hmmm that sounds scary. I don’t think the vanilla cappuccino I am sipping would qualify. My scales? Who knows!

I was listing to my favorite podcast, This Week in Photography, and the team there was talking about their New Years Resolutions in regards to taking Pictures for 2009 (check them out at twipphoto.com). Their resolutions ran the gamut from organizing their files to taking more diverse photos. I want to make a resolution (even though I swore off resolutions) but I am scarred I won’t be able to do it, so I am hesitant. I am thinking about making a resolution to take a picture every day this year. With some exceptions of course, like my sensor is dirty so some time this week I have to drop off my camera for a professional cleaning. Hmmmm I will think on it and see if I can put that commitment out there. Maybe a resolution to shot 250 days this year….more to come.
Happy picture taking and God Bless!